The diagram below represents the cosmic consciousness and its fractal like characteristics that are seen within a spiral and within nature. The consciousness itself is related to the value of PI in the circle of life from the heavens to earth and back again.

The vortex seen within a spiral is represented above and the axis points of the Chi Rho is the center of the vortex.
The electromagnetic vortices that are displayed in crop circles and snowflakes are examples of how the Chi Rho or Star of David is formed due to these electromagnetic torsion fields.

The star of David can be seen within these patterns which also incorporate the Chi Rho. The hebrew alphabet can also be written out from this pattern as well
The spiral of life is also associated with the fibonnaci sequence or Golden ratio which one can get when you divide the numerical value of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge (144 divided by 233=phi) which correspond to the body and the 7 spaces being the days of creation with ours being on the 6th day. The spiral of life clearly represents the Rams horn or shofar which is blown during jewish ceremonies of rosh hashanah and yom kippur. 

Hair spirals of several test subjects to determine hand dominace. The eye of the spiral falls on the side of the persons dominate hand.



The God body is represented in the diagrams below with the human body parallel or mirror image reflected next to it. The 10 major organs are arranged in a numerical pattern that reflects the 10sephiroth and the 10 dimensions. These could also reflect the 10 laws or commandments as well as a host of other numerical values of 10. The God body itself is the unified field which holds the 7stars of the multiverse in its right hand and has the 10 laws or dimensions that make up its matter body.The quantum singularity event on the etheric body of God lies at the point of the Atom's Applewhich the mechanism that brings forth the word of God to "let there be light" which was created with the expansion of a photon.  The dimensions and multiverses that were created could be though of as heavenly organs (organ-instrument played in churches) that have a musical characteristic to them that sounds very good

The 10 body systems on a celestial level could be associated with these 10 dimensions or sephiroth which could also be a system of organs contained within a light body.

The diagram above shows the rise of the Big Bang starting at the planck scale. The 3 theories of the fundamental forces act as the etheric body of the light body starting at the TOE up towards the GUT and towards the crown of the ET. This etheric body is supported by the unified field of consciousness which God creates.

The diagram above shows the systematic development of matter from the quantum singularity event. Matter is represented on one side while the forces are represented on the right side.
The diagram above shows the parallel of the terrestrial consciousness and the celestial consciousness of the universe.

The 7 level multiverse in this diagram shows how the 6 multiverses encompasses the 7th in the middle to project our reality from the mind of God.

The 7 level multiverse in this diagram is comparable to the 7 days of creation in which God rests on the 7th day. This day of rest can be considered a holyday for God and a day of rest for us would be a day of rest for us as well and we would view it as a holiday.

Heart Math


We often use the metaphor "we should think more with our hearts and less with our brains" (seeheart video,pt 2,3,4) (review ICG paper here) . The diagrams below represent this metaphor perfectly because those at heart math have discovered that the heart itself has its own brain and that the electromagnetic field that the heart produces far exceeds that of the brain. The heart is the first organ to develop inside a human fetus in order to circulate the blood around its body. The heartkeeps a rhythmic beat which is regulated by an onboard computer.
This computer brain is known as the Intrinsic Cardiac Ganglion or ICG and it is a tiny brain connected to the heart which keeps us alive. The heart cells themselves are known to have brain cells connected to them which are the same brain cells that are present in the human brain. These brain cells emit a electromagnetic frequency which parallels the electromagnetic field that can be seen in an ovi going through a fission like process. The heart itself has an EM field which can be picked up at least 6 feet or more away from the individual with the beating heart. Some researchers are saying that the heart has an intelligence and that it stores information like emotion, has short and long term memory and is a feedback mechanism. 

We always express love as being associated with the heart and that love affects our consciousness and physical state of being. The love of God is in the heart and it is the love that is keeping us alivebecause it was the first brain to be developed and our 2nd human brain came after. If God is loveand love is an intelligence then the metaphor that we use could have more scientific merit to it if we view it in this kind of manner. The heart's EM field is capable of detecting certain frequencies or vibes given off by any situation or individual as if it is a sensory organ as well. 



The diagrams below show the vortex based mathematics involved in the fractal nature of consciousness and the process of Ascension that it goes throught. The expression (ML2/T) + X2 +Y2 - DT2 is the formula used to represent the Ascension of consciousness and the soul itself. The (ML2/T) is the photon X2 and the Y2 represent two forms of subtle energies that are present during the time of the Ascension which help to take distance and time out of the equation for an existence that stretches into infinity all at once.
Each consciousness experiences what we call a past a present and a future which are all part of a standing wave that is present in a photon containing a particle and wave aspect to it. The wave aspect of the photon causes it to spiral in waves much like the pattern seen within the DNA. TheRodin coil (see fractal mathematics video, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) which is the atomic model for a photon shows that it is a captured standing wave of probabilities inside an electromagnetic torus. These electromagnetic toruses are capable of transmitting and receiving information onto themselves as living cells of pure energy.
This spiral of energy is what we could consider to be the fingerprint of God in the architecture used to create the universe that we live in and the life that we experience on a daily basis. This fingerprint is light in action which promotes the capability for life to exists since life itself is just a trick of the light which is used to create the holographic or illusory type dimension that is connected to our senses. Each individual who exists on earth uses the light within these photons to help create the light body they will posses after death. Our human body is composed of trillions of cells which sprouted from just the one cell of our birth which seems to also correlate to the characteristics of the Big Bang as well.
Each human on planet earth was created in a Big Bang between their mother and their father and the universe seems to have this same kind of pattern to it once you associate the parental aspects of it to God as well. The human spirit and consciousness is what develops its own light body in the heavens from a collection of encoded photons which contain the information, memory and consciousness that makes up that person. In order for a person to acheive the Ascension process they have to build up the light cells of their own body to be born again into it. Failure to be able to do this will result in a miscarriage of the light body which will throw the persons information, memory and consciousness into non existence, so in other words they will abort themselves.

The cosmic comparison between the cosmic web and the neural net shows that there is an existence in a celestial form that lives on a higher plane in the heavens which is entangled with all other known verses that God created. 



The diagrams below represent the 7 level multiverse ( see multiverse video and 2 ) contained in the10 sephiroth as a cosmic projection of the forces and matter. The quantum fluctuation event is thelight source of the multiverse projection which derived itself from that of the photon. The multiverse is projected from the consciousness of the mind of God through the unified field that creates our reality. The 7th multiverse which is our universe sits at the day of rest which could be related to thedays of creation that we see in the Genesis account.
Each multiverse acts as a side on a cube which projects our universe in the center which cannot be seen by an outside observer except for the one who created it. The 6 multiverses that encompass our universe can be thought of as a proton and a neutron type comparison which is present in all matter and energy. Biblical accounts refer to the number in many ways, it's described as the 7churches, the stars, the angels, the spirits, the levels of heaven, the candlesticks, the 7days of creation etc... These similarities also apply to our days in a week, our year itch, our 7points in space time, our level multiverse, the chakras, the colors of the rainbow spectrum, the electromagnetic waves, our sensory points on the human head and the deadly sins.




The diagrams below represent the Tree of Life  (see tree of life video) or 10 sephiroth from the Kabballa which express the quantum singularity event known as the Big Bang. The illustrations of the before the fall of Eden and after the fall of Eden represent the Big Bang expansion of a Photon. The photon is expressed as ML2/T and is the cosmic goose egg which gave birth to the particle/wave type universe that we exist in. The 2 pillars of the tree of life are reflected as the force fields and the matter fields and their parallels are the pillar of mercy and the pillar of judgement.
This is also expressed as a temple which has the 2 pillars of Solomons temple called Jachin andBoaz which relate to biblical texts. They are also aspects of plasma and aether which are also reflected in the big bang as a hot gas controlled by invisible forces. Within the numerics of the 10 in comparison to the universe we see that the 1's and 0's (10) are used to create the universe and our base 10 mathematics. This 10 is also related to the 10 commandments, the 10 dimensions, our 10major organs, the 10 celestial objects of our solar system, our 10 fingers and 10 toes, our 10 body systems and our 10 month birth cycle (40 weeks). 
The rapid expansion of the photon splits the wave and particle aspect of the photon in 2 which creates the 4 fundamental forces of our universe and the protons that go along with it. The 4 fixed points of the zodiac represent these 4 forces which are Gravity, Electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the electroweak forces. They can be compared to DNA and the coding we have as G,A,C and T in our bodies which are a direct reflection of the universe and the cosmic consciousness of God.  The serpents of the illustration match the filaments within the cosmic web which extend out towards the cosmic light horizon of the expanded photon. Biblically a photon orlight bearer could be related to the light of knowledge and that of good and evil. It is also the apple of the eye which enters through our lenses that helps us to see objects and to see knowledge with our 3rd eye or brain.

The level multivers is also contained within these 10 sephiroth which add weight to the God body which has an infinite number of universes contained within each level multiverse. These can also be related to the zodiac symbols present in the image that could also be related to the stars of this multiverse as well. The dragon of the illlustration starts with heads and 10 horns in the before the fall of eden towards a dragon with heads and 11 horns which could represent the infinity andDNA characteristics in it's design and the 11th dimension could be that of time.


The diagram below shows the comparison between fractals such as spirals and how it mirrors the patterns of the universe. A spiral galaxy shows that a celestial consciousness lies in this pattern which connects our consciousness to a higher plane of existence. The merge of the two patterns clearly show that life patterns are also reflected in the macrocosm and in the microcosm